Frequently Ask Questions

You got questions and we got all the answers! ✌️

  • Social & Loud only offers brand identity design to ensure clients see results from working together so we may not be a good fit if you aren't ready for a brand identity.

  • I work with the One Concept Method. This methodology is based on working on one concept from beginning to end based on all the research and strategy previously done.

  • Unfortunately no. It will be the case of giving you a new Brand Identity.

  • In most cases, no. Brand design is much more than having a logo. It's the foundation for an amazing website, so if your brand is lacking visually, I won't be able to deliver the quality you deserve.

  • We’ll set up a call to discuss exactly what you need and how I can help.

    I will then send you a statement of work and a contract to review and electronically sign along with an invoice for a deposit that will go towards your project.

    I will then send a mood board and outline the next steps we should take together. I believe that communication is key to a successful collaboration.

  • It totally depends on the scope of the project and the deliverables, but we’ll choose a timeline that works for both of our schedules and allows you to launch effectively.

    Typically, a full branding package with a website will take anywhere from 6-8 weeks.

  • Depending on the package you have chosen, I will let you know what I will need from you once you have all booked. The most common elements are copy, content, images, etc.

  • Each project has unique goals. That’s why every client receives a custom proposal that best fits their needs.

  • I require a 50% deposit upfront in order to hold your place in my project calendar. The remaining 50% must be paid after you approve the design and before you receive the final files.

    We accept both Paypal and bank transfers.

  • Payment plans are offered to select clients.

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